
Chapter 154

Karen was at work trying to figure out what all she needed done before heading to Nova Scotia for a few weeks. She had put in another vacation request to give her the month of August off to be with Sidney. Since her anniversary in July, Karen still had a good bit of vacation hours to use up and put in for the remainder of August.

As Karen was getting ready to leave for the day, her manager caught up with her and asked her to join her in the office.

“Something wrong?” she asked concerned.

“Actually there is. I don’t think I can let you go for a whole month for vacation.”

“And why not? I have the time to use.”

“I know you do, but with the IMA program changing, I need you here to help the others and make sure they’re working on it right.”

“I appreciate that, but I need this extra time off.”

“Why do you need more than the two weeks?”

“Because Sidney and I got married in April and I wanted to spend more than just two weeks with him before the season starts back up in September.”

“I’m sorry Karen but I am not approving the second two weeks.”

“Fine, I’ll see you tomorrow” Karen said and got up to leave. She kept control until she got in the car and then let the tears fall as she went home. Sidney had been home for a month and it killed her not being with him. Karen tried to figure a way to get this resolved the rest of the drive home.

On Friday, Karen went to work and was thankful that it was her early day and 11a wouldn’t come early enough. Karen was up half the night wondering what to do about her vacation and knew there was only one choice.

“Sue, can I talk to you for a minute?” she said walking into the Inventory office.

“Sure, what’s going on?”

“I need you to reconsider my second two weeks of vacation in August. Since the playoffs ended, I haven’t had that much time with Sidney and would like to spend a month with him. We all know what changes they’re making and we’ve been already doing it the new way for a few days now. Why do I need to be here after August 15th when he officially rolls it out?”

“Karen, I look to you as the leader of the IMAs. Yes we’ve been already doing the changes, but there could be other changes that you obviously will pick up better than the others and need to help them. I’m sorry, but I need you here for the 15th.”

“Then I’m sorry to. Today will be my last day, I quit.”


“I’ve never asked for anything from you. I come to work everyday, work my butt off for you and this store and all I want is to take a month off for vacation to spend with my new husband. I work harder than the other IMAs and you just proved I am the stronger one in the group. I don’t need treated this way and if you won’t approve my vacation, then I quit and will go on a permanent vacation.” Karen walked out of the office and went to put her cart away and clean it off. She was walking towards the time clock when she heard her name being paged from the store manager and went to call him back. He asked to talk to her in his office and she told him she was leaving. When he told her it was important, she headed up to his office.

“Karen, please come in and sit down” Brooke asked her. He shut the door behind her and sat at his desk facing her. “Sue just called me and told me you quit. What is going on that would make you do this?”

“All I wanted was two extra weeks of vacation added on to take the month of August off. Sue wouldn’t approve it saying that I needed to be here when the IMA changes hit on the 15th of August. We’ve already been doing the changes and it won’t be a shock when he officially changes it.”

“Karen, you are important to this store and to the IMA program. When we started this and I saw your name on there, I was happy to have someone with your experience, knowledge and work ethic to be the leader of this program. I can’t let you quit.”

“Look Brooke, I appreciate that but Sidney and I got married in April and the month of August was the only time I would get to spend with him before the season starts again. I don’t want to quit, but the company itself changed the vacation hour’s policy of what can be banked. I have more than the allotted amount and I don’t want to lose it. If I take the month off, I will be close to where I only need to take a day here and there. Either help me, or today is my last day.”

“When does your vacation start?”

“Next Thursday.”

“Ok, I don’t want to lose you and I am not going to accept you quitting. I will approve your other two weeks in August and why don’t you just take all next week off instead of waiting until Thursday. Go spend time with Sidney we’ll be fine until you get back.”

“Thank you Brooke, really. I love my job and you know more than anyone how I pride myself in my work.”

“I know and out of all the IMAs, you are always working on something and not goofing off.” Karen looked at him quizzical “I have seen the difference between all of you. One is always with her friend, walking around or shopping, going to the break room constantly and the other takes her time getting things done. If you’re done scanning, you find other things to do that are detrimental to the department.”

“Then why keep them here and not replace them with ones that will work hard?”

“Because we really don’t have just cause yet. I don’t want to lose you and I will make it possible to keep you here.”

“You know, my request isn’t that bad considering the one always asks for every holiday off and the other takes almost every other weekend off for a fishing tournament. I only ask for vacation when I need it.”

“I know. Why don’t you head home, get packed and go spend time with your husband.”

“Thanks Brooke.”

“Tell Sidney I said hi and congratulations.”

“Thanks” Karen said smiling and then left his office to clock out and head home. Instead of waiting around a few more days, Karen decided to cancel her plane ticket and make the two and ½ day drive up to Nova Scotia and surprise Sidney.

1 comment:

Val said...

Good for her for sticking up for herself and I am impressed she was willing to quit for Sid!